Hello Again

Welcome to Boys In Rouge 3.0! A couple of weeks ago I decided, on a whim, to move my domain from WordPress to another webhost, thereby giving me total control over design, customization, advertising, and all other aspects of my site. The technical details aren’t very interesting, but what I’ve basically done is the internet equivalent of buying a home that I was renting.

All the posts I’ve ever made are completely intact, and I’ve re-grouped them all into new categories that should make them easier to find. You can click the “Categories” menu on the sidebar to view them, and the search function can be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the page.

If you’re a relative newcomer to Detroit City FC or BIR, I’d recommend checking out the posts in the “Story of the Club” category. There you’ll be able to read about all the significant matches, players, and moments from DCFC’s birth up to the present.

I started the blog because I wanted to express my thoughts and feelings about something that had become very special to me, but what kept me going and motivated me to do more was the incredibly positive response and words of encouragement that flooded in from the very beginning (and have continued).

It’s been a tedious, time-consuming, and sometimes deeply frustrating process to essentially rebuild the site and get it to look the way I wanted, but I feel it was worth it and I’m extremely happy with how it turned out. Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing you all at Keyworth this summer when our beloved Le Rouge take on teams from seemingly every town in Michigan with a traffic light and a post office of its own.

DCTID, Allez Le Rouge, Rouge et Or Forevermore,

Andrew Goode


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