One year ago today, I made my first post on BIR. This message is #41 and as of today, the blog has generated approximately 16,500 page views. Thanks to everyone for reading and putting up with the simple site design, infrequent updates, and freshman-comp level of writing.
A special thank you goes to Michael Kitchen, Kelly Haapala, Dion De Gennaro, and all others whose amazing photos and videos have given the blog more life and color than mere words ever could.
In the coming weeks, as time allows, I’m going to look into making a few design tweaks and upgrades. As content goes, look for a season review, an update and analysis of attendance numbers (2013 edition here), and a post-season State of the Club.
In the meantime, I encourage all new City fans and outside observers to explore the site and get a feel for the club and what it means to those who support it. I suggest starting here and here. Then going here and here and here.
Also, check out the new kid on the block, City Makes Me. Not many American lower division clubs have blogs dedicated to them, and I’m not aware of any with two.
Andrew Goode