DCFCFC Episode #15 + Bonus News & Notes

Click here to listen to the latest episode of the DCFC Fancast, which I guest-hosted as we spoke to head coach Ben Pirmann and co-owner Alex Wright. A few items of interest that didn’t make the recording:

I asked Alex about the Keyworth construction timetable, specifically how long it would take for the stadium to be considered a “finished product.” He said that, following this year’s renovations, the next big project is obviously replacing the field. While many people perfer a natural grass surface, the cost of maintenance and upkeep is much more than fieldturf. With kids playing on the field virtually every day, the installation of a new artificial surface is something that will be considered. Once that decision is made and the installation is complete (ideally some time before next season), Keyworth should be just about finished.

Second, there will be new kits for this upcoming season. Alex said that they’d be a simpler design because of the availability issues they’ve had with the more customized kits (2013 and 2015 in particular). Jerseys sold out at several of last year’s matches, so the move to a more basic model should help to ensure that supply matches demand.

Third, when we were talking about the possibility of some local Hamtramck talent making the team, he brought up a roster rule that I was unaware of. Since Ben Pirmann is a college coach, there is an NCAA stipulation that he cannot coach uncommitted prospects. This means that if there is a college-aged player not in school but with eligibility remaining, he can’t play for City. Even if he’s never attended college and has zero intention of doing so, he is still ineligible until he reaches a certain age threshold. (I’ve tried to do a little research and figure out what that age is, but I’ve come up empty so far.)

One final note, Ben told us a story about a recent phone call he received. It was from a woman in England who was calling because Charlie MacInnes had asked Ben if he could use him as a reference. After Ben answered her questions and praised Charlie’s punctuality, teamwork skills, attention to detail, etc., he asked her what the job was. She replied: kindergarten teacher.


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